Nutrient timing is critical when it comes to functioning your best, getting a good nights sleep and influencing good body composition.

Cortisol, the stress hormone, peaks when we wake up and trails off when we are winding down at night.  We can influence this through our diet.  To positively effect cortisol, eat protein in the morning and use products like Innergize Go.  Consume carbs later in the day and combine with products like Reversage and RLV sleep, all combined giving a noted decrease in cortisol.  There is an inverse relationship between blood sugar and cortisol.  When blood sugar goes up, cortisol goes down.  

Start your day with protein to help body composition, influence cortisol as well as dopamine and noradrenaline to get you up and going in the morning also helping you deal with stress and anxiety, while improving cognition and focus.  Eating carbs later in the day causes cortisol levels to decrease, while increasing serotonin to help with relaxation.

A well-timed diet plan for the day could be:  

Breakfast:  protein with a fruit and a nutrient dense shake 

Lunch:  salad with  lean protein 

Dinner:  lean protein with healthy carbs like potatoes or brown rice and vegetables.

Adherence to a healthy diet that is not restrictive, like the Mediterranean Diet, and consistency are critical along with timing that aligns with your body’s natural systems.  This is a great goal when you are considering changes for 2023!


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