Mom Said: Eat Your Veggies!


Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables?  Shocking truth is only 1 in 10 of us get enough!

Why vegetables matter?

Long term, making healthy cells, having a strong immune system, weight management and delaying aging.  For instance this depends on having enough vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients, many of which come from plants.

Short term, we can see a wide variety of things.  For example this incldes: improved skin, higher energy, better sleep, hormonal balance.  In addion you will be in better mood.  You will have balanced blood sugar and improved gut feeling.

So how much vegetables are enough?

  • 2 cups of fruit
  • 3 cups of vegetables

These are the recommended amounts.  Some believe that with this, because of the way we grow foods, this is good. However it may not be enough for optimal health and aging.  Certainly you will see benefits from this amount.  For instance  providing higher amounts of vitamins and minerals on a consistent daily basis, leads to optimal function.

The Perfect Combination of Vegetables

It may be eating as close to this as you can and adding in a high quality supplement to fill in the gaps.  If you are really into healthy aging, there are ways to encourage hormonal and collagen production.  In addition improved mental performance and better restorative sleep.

Adding Vegetables & Fruits

Are you are one of those who is not getting enough nutrition? If so, you may want to consider these ways to add fruits and veggies to your diet:

  • Roast a pan of veggies like carrots, sweet potatoes, beets and parsnips and serve them beside your main entree or add them to a salad.
  • Make salad your main event at lunchtime and use lots of greens, veggies you like, leftover protein from the night before, seeds and top with olive oil, squeezed lemon, salt and pepper.
  • Add fruit to yogurt or a smoothie for breakfast or lunch.
  • Make soup with carrots, celery, onions, garlic, spinach for a simple fall meal.
  • Serve wraps for dinner with options like sautéed peppers and onions, avocado, salsa or chopped tomato,  leafy greens and top with leftover pork, chicken or beef or a side of beans.


Make some of these changes and see a world of difference in your health and the way you feel.  To start, pick one thing, do it consistently and then add another.  You are in it for the long haul so daily diet perfection is not necessary.  Eat healthy 80% of the time and enjoy!

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